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Jun 2019


I'm developing a desktop app that uses Leap Motion. I started with the scene which is quite large in scale. For the LeapMotion to interact with the rest of the scene I want to scale the LeapMotionHandController prefab, but that has wierd effects on the LoPoly Rigged Hand Mesh as seen below.

I tried parenting LeapHandController to an empty object, but the result is still the same.

Any clues on how to scale the LeapHandController prefab without deforming the LoPoly Rigged hand?

Thank you.

  • created

    Jun '19
  • last reply

    Jun '19
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Hello Alex,

Reading the thread, I don't think it applies to my case since the Physic Hands are updating the scale correctly

I was reading through the script but I cant find the UpdateFinger method that is mentioned in the thread before.

Could you guide me on how I could use the Lo Poly Rigged hands? I would guess that it's a common case scenario where the scale doesn't match the scene, is there fix or something from the development team I could use?