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Planning to use LM for a customer project, I'm worried about the calibration and support we will need to provide.
To explain: I suggest to use hand tracking instead of the controllers not only for an easier usage for unskilled untrained users, but also to avoid complaints and support request due the controllers battery discharging, or controllers being broken, lost, etc.
Now in my tests seems calibration is essential for LM to work correctly, and also the calibration process is far from easy to complete.
Reading in the forum seem someone is calibrating it every single day, if so this will bring us back to the very same support problem we are trying to avoid.

  • created

    Apr '20
  • last reply

    Apr '20
  • 1


  • 887


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You should not need to calibrate your Leap Motion Controller that regularly. I would recommend reclaibration if you start experience poor tracking or significantly change the setup or configuration where the controller is being used. As an example I calibrated the Leap Motion controller that I use when I first set it up and it still performs well months later with no recalibration required.

If you are needing to recalibrate regularly please send me the details of your project and the software involved to and I will review and see if I can help further.