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Dec 2020

Leapmotion does NOT have ANY plans to update the OS X SDK (macOS SDK), which has not been supported since 2015! (according to some posts from their employees).

It is disappointing and also irritating to see that Leapmotion/Ultraleap has decided to abandon Mac users, especially those who supported the company at the early stages and who believed in them. I was one of those people who pre-ordered the first controllers and mine still in a perfect condition (like new devices).

Since 32-bits apps are no longer support on the updated macOS, why don't you at least offer to create a 64-bits app just for once so that we (Catalina+ users) may at least enjoy the old apps? (just a simple update).

I feel that I have been betrayed here. I work in academics (I'm a teacher) and I wanted to have my students use it. We all have Macs. So what should I do with my controller now? Should I throw it away?

  • created

    Dec '20
  • last reply

    Jan '21
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As a Mac user myself I can't wait to see our latest hand tracking available on Mac again!

Whilst our older V2 SDK is still available for Mac there have been significant improvements in our hand tracking since then and as this is a legacy SDK we are not releasing any updates to it.

It's a shame that Apple's withdrawal of 32-bit support has killed of a host of apps that were still available and unfortunately as these were designed and built by a variety of different developers a number of years ago it is not a simple matter to update these to work with the latest versions of OSX.

However there are still some applications available which will work correctly such as Touchless for Mac which is available here28.

Although I am limited on the information that I can give you, I would like to reassure you that we have not forgotten Mac users and I would recommend staying tuned to our social channels and news feeds this year for any announcements that we make concerning this issue. :wink:

The problem here isn't Leapmotion, it's Apple. I use computers for music and have been an Apple user for over 35 years. But, for about the last five years, Apple has pulled the rug out from under its users with new OS releases that break things. There is always a big lag with third party products while these companies scramble to update their products to work with the latest OS. Apple no longer seems to care about computer endeavors that aren't mainstream, and they want to control everything. Microsoft isn't perfect, but they are MUCH better in this regard. My advice? Get away from Apple.

16 days later

I second what TMPC said.

It's totally Apple's fault.

Apple has been breaking things on Mac OS for program developers left and right for the last several years. They claim that is is all part of making the OS more secure. However, what they DON'T mention is that to get a program to work properly in the Apple ecosystem, program developers have to pay Apple a ton of money to be certified.

Program developers are responding by ditching Mac OS instead.